Using the Tarot to Heal

Beverly H. Hitchins

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Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2020

Using the Tarot to Heal

For the longest time many have perceived the Tarot as a fortune-telling device uniquely used by psychics. Not so! Zachary Weaver makes a strong case for using the Tarot as a tool for spiritual healing in his recently released book Tarot is a Healing Art. He shows us how he used the Tarot for his own spiritual growth and then guides us to use it for ourselves. He substantiates his claim by his own accomplishments: a successful professional Tarot reader, a Reiki master, a Ph.D. in public policy administration, a homeowner and a closer relationship with his younger brother all by the age of 30. Five years later he writes his first book.

Zachary walks us through a seven-step process with seven thoughtful spreads on how to facilitate our own self-awareness and evolving self-development. He uses circumstances of specific clients to illustrate how the cards shed light on individuals’ confusing situations. You don’t have to be psychic to read the cards, just sensitive, desirous and open to taking responsibility for your own change for the better. The cards are not something to afraid of, but rather a supportive resource you can tap into at any time. Zachary’s own story is a testimony to that, and he does it with aplomb.

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